Sierra Chart - Stock Blocks Overlay

The stock blocks study overlay suite is currently featured on the Sierra Chart platform through our partners with Simple System Trading. This feature integrates the Daily Edge Live trade block service with your chart and DOM windows to provide an effective and powerful trading experience.
Trade blocks are shown live on your chart as they arrive on the NYSE consolidated tape. Special symbols like SPY, QQQ, GLD, SLV, and others can be mapped to their respective Future and CFD symbols such as ES/SPX500, NQ/NAS100, GC/XAUUSD, SI/XAGUSD (respectively).
Pre-filtered live and dark pool trade blocks from select tickers and ETFs on the NYSE
Dark pool price intersection levels that reveal hidden support and resistance levels
Auto price mapping of select ETFs to their respective CFD or Future symbol
Auto updating of mapped ETF price levels as CFD and Future symbols drift (price decay toward contract expiration)
Mirrored data from Daily Edge Live and the Stock Blocks page
Dedicated telegram support group specific to this product and other block related studies for Sierra Chart
Public Educational Videos

55 / mo
530 / yr
7 day free trial
20% discount with annual subscription
Live overlay of stock and ETF blocks from a variety of symbols.
- Live overlay of special ETFs
- Automatic conversion from 6 special ETFs to their Future or CFD equivalent​​
Up to 2 years of data​
Access to Stock Blocks
Trading View + Email notification for feature additions
VIP support and Telegram group chat
Knowledge Base